The Virtual Training Program Digital Skills for Civic Engagement in North Macedonia will provide you with the necessary skills and information to analyze, evaluate, and create effective messages and campaigns on a wide variety of digital mediums as tools for civic engagement.
Through the Program we intend to improve the participatory leadership skills and strengthen the capacities of the future young leaders – the participants with abilities to identify and address social challenges to learn to design civic engagement projects using technology. Moreover, the Program will provide the participants with knowledge, know-how skills to create campaigns, tools and communication strategies for civic engagement on a new media channels.
Well known international experts in social media campaigns, digital storytelling, community engagement, data analysis, media literacy, and combating disinformation will provide an overview of the main areas of contemporary media and prepare future young leaders with the skills needed to excel in the digital world.
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*The Virtual Training Program is funded by US Embassy in North Macedonia and implemented by Blink 42-21 and DCN Global.